Finance & Admin
If you are in business, chances are you found something you love doing and figured out a way to make it profitable. But how profitable are you? Do you feel too caught up in honing your craft to take time to manage your books? When is there possibly time to maintain financial records or fill out paperwork and gather reports?
Do you feel like you’re trying to outrun your mismanagement? There IS a better way. The experts at 4t have felt the satisfaction that comes from walking through your doors knowing your numbers and aiming toward specific goals. It feels AWESOME… and we can get you there, too.
We join forces with business owners to ensure finances and administrative details are being done correctly, giving you more time to shine in your areas of STRENGTH.
Have you filed your payroll taxes?
Have you reported unemployment?
Have you paid quarterly sales tax?
What was your cost of goods sold last month?
How much cash do you have on-hand this week, and where will you be at the end of next month?
Our financial services division has ANSWERS to these questions.
Some of the services we provide include:
Tax Planning
Cash Flow Analysis
Financial Projections
Business Planning
We are here to ease you from the weight of these often-heavy elements! Our goal is to help you know where you stand and help you make decisions.
Contact us today for a free consultation on how we can free you up to do what you do best!